Monday, October 20, 2014

Taemmaril Calendar

I'm hard at work preparing for our group's first adventure on Wednesday, but as most of the stuff I'm doing isn't really for players' eyes, I can't share it here yet. what I can share is my work on a calendar for my campaign.

It is still quite basic, but I have decided on how many days there are in a year and four special days, celebrated (or at least recognized) by most civilized people in the area around the Great Bay. As I move along I will probably detail other holy days, specific for certain deities and places, but for now this is fine.

Some might notice, that this calendar has a lot in common with the one found in Forgotten Realms. This is not quite a coincidence, as I have used that one as inspiration. Others might notice that unlike in our world, the equinoxes and solstices just happen to be exactly three months apart. I did this to make it all a bit easier to remember for me and the players and figured, that Taemmaril's orbit around its sun, is less elliptical than that of Earth.

Another thing worth mentioning is, that the names Linthiz and Darkiv are actually the names of the two main gods in my very first home-brew campaign from back in the nineties (you can probably guess by the names, which one is evil). When I get around to making up my own pantheon for Taemmaril, the names will most likely be recycled. In fact I tried to give the rest of the months names, that could work as names of gods as well.

The Taemmaril Year

A year on Taemmaril has 364 days. The year is divided into 12 months of 30 days, plus 4 extra days, one per season, that coincides with the solstices and equinoxes.

The day after the winter solstice, is the first day of the year and the first day of the month of Darkiv.

Winter’s Night (winter solstice, shortest day of the year)
Darkiv (midwinter)
Herpoth (late winter)
Faramil (early spring)
Spring’s Dawn (spring equinox, day and night are same length)
Taenhar (mid spring)
Anuriel (late spring)
Steinos (early summer)
Summer’s Day (summer solstice, longest day of the year)
Linthiz (midsummer)
Anumar (late summer)
Leikeen (early autumn)
Fall’s Dusk (autumn equinox, day and night are same length)
Ruimoren (mid autumn)
Parthonas (late autumn)
Heena (early winter)

For convenience most people divide each month into three ten-days (weeks).

The city states of the Great Bay all use the founding of the oldest city (Waskar) as the base for their calendar, making the current year 967 WR (Waskar Reckoning).

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