I have only just begun creating my campaign, but here are some of the details I have worked out so far (some of them might of course change, as I get new ideas).
The campaign world is called Taemmaril and is a fairly standard Earth-sized planet, with three known moons, one of which is too small to be visible with the naked eye. The players' starting point is a small town called Silvershore, which is situated on the northern coast of the Great Bay (see the attached map above).
Silvershore is a town of some 1,800 inhabitants, primarily human, which lies within the Kingdom of Breylon. The Kingdom of Breylon is really just one city state among several, that circles the Great Bay, but unlike most of them, it is a monarchy. The rest are mostly various forms of republics.
While the city states of the Great Bay are considered human cities (in most of them 70-90% of the population is human), the political landscape of the Bay also include the elven kingdom Faláen (the large island at the eastern end of the bay) and a loose confederation of dwarven settlements in the area, called the Kingdom of the Golden Halls.
The 50th parallel north circle of latitude runs more or less straight through the middle of the Great Bay, so the climate of the area is somewhat like that of southern England, northern France, and the Czech Republic. I haven't quite figured the details out yet, but I imagine that Silvershore (on the northern shore of the bay), where the PCs start, has weather that is similar to what you would find in Amsterdam. I don't intend to go all out with figuring out prevailing winds based on the landscape and so on, but I wouldn't mind having somewhat consistent conditions that makes sense.
Other than that, I haven't really done much work on the world outside the Kingdom of Breylon.
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